Boot Camp: Thinking About Network Structures, Influence Measures and Learning in Open Source Software
Introduction If you are thinking about getting involved in open source software research and development, particularly work on open source software community health, this post is intended to give you an overview of one particular opportunity (among many) in the rapidly changing, increasingly corporate engaged open source software community. Think of this as the “I…
Helpful and Useful – The Open Source Software Metrics Holy Grail
1 Introduction My colleague Matt Germonprez recently hit me and around 50 other people at CHAOSSCON North America (2018) with this observation: A lot of times we get really great answers to the wrong questions. Matt explained this phenomena as ”type III error”, an allusion to the more well known statistical phenomena of type I…
Augur: Software for Prototyping Open Source Metrics
People compare themselves with others. We build on this truth to help people make sense of the metrics we prototype. The aim of the Augur project is threefold: 1.Fast prototyping of metrics 2.Be human centered …. Build prototypes that make it possible for people to see a visualization and make sense of it before they…